Your best Business Ally

Your best Business Ally

Worldwide Retail Network of Low-temperature Sterilization Systems

Xterie is a benchmark business in our industrial sector, being recognized globally for our export market participation and innovation. Our innovation, high quality and cost effectiveness make us a leader in our sector. Our success is based on a solid network of distributors all over the world. Join us and become a member of our business network!

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About your company

  • Basic Information
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Years in the Business

How many years of experience for sterilizarion market?

Products you current sell

Countries you sell to

How many sales personell do you currently have on staff?

Rough annual revenue

What international companies do you currently represent?

What products do you currently distribute?

What is your previous vendor?

Sales channels

Dedication and innovation that makes the difference

Thanks to the design, production, and commercialization of antimicrobial procedures, we improve the environment for patients and caregivers, providing high-tech certified quality products to hundreds of physicians and medical centers.

Our worldwide presence

Xterie's reach spans the globe, with operations in over 10 countries and 30 cities. Our management professionals are supported by our highly skilled team of operational staff. Xterie's global sterilization network provides personal service that has become our hallmark. Today we serve leading medical institutions through our best-in-class distributors.

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